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When you are young and you are curious, you constantly find yourself looking for answers. And as a young kid in a conservative family, the answers might lie in school, the only place you are allowed to go to. From the students. In the people, we love to call friends, mostly because they have more friends, more access to a social circle, and well, the internet. In the absence of open dialogue at home, it is common to turn your back on them and face the world on your own. 

You might not learn a lot at home about sex, sexuality, pleasure, or even about periods. But you learn one thing is determined: If you choose a different path than everyone else, guilt and shame come along with it. Always. That your actions have consequences so it is better to stay lowkey and keep natural curiosity to yourself. 

Why Knowing About Masturbation Is Important?

Ever since childhood, kids from conservative families are instructed to abide by the rules. Of the house or the community. This is why understanding masturbation can be challenging. But it is important to realize that you are not alone. People usually figure it out by accident which is completely normal.

What’s important is to have a healthier, more informed perspective. By breaking the cycle and seeking out accurate information, you can empower yourself and embrace your sexuality. In conservative households, these small steps of rebelling are a way to break the lifelong cycles and bring a change.

Masturbation helps you understand your body and have healthier future relationships with not just partners but merely yourself. It is about self-love as well that today’s world preaches so much about. More importantly, it helps you understand your do’s and don’ts and makes you open to better experiences as well that you weren’t generally exposed to. After all, pleasure is everyone’s right and it is important to advocate for this in a family that teaches to adjust yourself to everyone’s needs.

The Discovery in a Silent House 

As a young kid, driven by natural curiosity, the first experiences can be thrilling and confusing at the same time. The lack of information and avoidance of such conversations from parents can lead to instant shame or guilt. And often, feelings of isolation as well. It is normal to feel like you are doing something wrong as you are unaware and first introduced to these sensations. 

As mentioned in the introduction initially, the search for answers is normal. And while peers and the internet can provide information, it comes in all forms of harmfulness and helpful awareness. What makes it worse is that you might not be able to differentiate between the two as the whole concept is yet new to you.

This is where guardians MUST come in because denying or avoiding a topic will anyway not make it vanish. So, it is important to start a conversation and promote healthy habits so that young family members have a safe space to learn about it. It is crucial from the elders’s end that lessons on how masturbation is healthy and a normal part of sexuality are taught from a science-based and reliable perspective. 

Normalizing the Conversation as We Move Ahead

And this is coming from someone who grew up with a lack of sex education, an open dialogue leading to not only shame but also, struggles with self-acceptance. It is important for parents or guardians to understand that in this world of information, the internet is capable of anything. And just like you’d prefer having parental control on phones or TVs, you might as well help them understand themselves better instead of leaving them to be. Exposed to all sorts of information on masturbation.

In these times, it is also important to notice that people with varying opinions have access to the internet. So, if you can find an article on how masturbation is healthy in a minute, it takes just another scroll to see someone else criticizing the act based on spiritual or cultural beliefs. So, it is important for the new learners to have a strong sense of belief in themselves so they don’t end up falling into the trap of self-doubt or confusion.

Here are a few practices to help you get started. The first step is all it takes:

  • Education: Seek out comprehensive sexual education resources that provide accurate and unbiased information about masturbation and sexual health.
  • Open Dialogue: If possible, try to create an environment where questions about sex and sexuality can be discussed openly and without judgment.
  • Self-Acceptance: Understand that masturbation is a normal part of human sexuality. It’s a natural way to explore one’s body and experience pleasure.

Addressing The Pleasure Seekers

Growing up in a conservative household doesn’t mean you have to carry the burden of guilt and shame forever. By educating yourself and finding supportive communities, you can develop a healthier relationship with your body and sexuality. Remember, masturbation is a natural and healthy part of life.

Educate yourself by dispelling the myths and finding like-minded individuals. It can be extremely liberating. Along with this, if possible, try to have open conversations about sexual health with trusted friends or family members. This can help normalize the topic and reduce the stigma associated with it.

Lastly, be kind to yourself. Understand that feelings of guilt and shame are common but not insurmountable. Practicing self-compassion involves recognizing these feelings without judgment and reminding yourself that it’s okay to experience pleasure and explore your body.

Good luck embracing the journey of self-discovery with compassion and understanding. Because you don’t have to be defined by where you come from and you can be that light of knowledge for all the right reasons. 

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