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Tantra requires a lot of connecting and relating between partners. In some tantric practices, individuals embody and live through different archetypes of energy, ie: they show up in different roles. This is not superficial “acting” per se, but a deep embodied experience and a raw expression of energy. This is kink.

What are these archetypes?

Simply put – archetypes are behavior patterns that aid and influence our mental, emotional, and spiritual growth as human beings. From a metaphysical perspective, archetypes represent different types of energy that form the underlying framework of our being. They are states of energy and awareness that exist within us. By awakening archetypes, we evoke our desired qualities and powers. They exist in the collective domain and are available to each of us at any time, taking the form or shape of whatever it is we are trying to summon.

Archetypes are everywhere: within you and within others. They create the very foundation of human behavior. There’s no doubt that archetypes play an important role in our lives and build our character. Working with archetypes increases your self-awareness and boosts your spiritual well-being. It can also help in your healing journey. The more you are able to embody, the closer you are to fully live your divine self.

Kink practitioners have been embodying various archetypes without realizing it. How? By engaging in DS (Domination, Submission) role-playing! For example, in DDLG (Daddy Dom, Little Girl), a BDSM dynamic where one acts as a ‘Daddy’ (caregiver) and the other takes the role of the ‘little’, embodying childlike qualities. In heteronormative construct, ‘Daddy’ is a male-bodied person, showing up in his Father archetype. It shows in his behavior: he is caring & emotionally attuned to his “little”. He imposes discipline & provides safety while fully taking the “little” under his patronage. This man might not be an actual father. He may be far away from this role and barely showcase any of these qualities in his daily life, but through role play, he consciously becomes the ‘Father’. Therefore, embodying the ‘Father’ archetype energy, he upgrades himself spiritually, bringing him one step closer to living his divine self. It’s a bit of a learning curve too: he learns how to care, provide, share love, and demand discipline at the same time.

In DDLG relationship, a submissive female is present in her “Daughter” energy archetype. She behaves like an actual child. The daughter is communicative, she is extraverted, seeks contact with others, and she is spontaneous and innocent. She relates to the Father openly and sincerely. She gives in to his care and protection. In DDLG role play, a woman has space to be impatient & inconsistent, unexpectedly throw a tantrum, and demand attention and appreciation from the Father. Here she can act out all those “unpleasant” sides of Daughter, also called the shadow side of the archetype. As you see, role-playing can be highly rewarding and deeply healing.

Would you like to know how to use BDSM for greater self-actualization and spiritual growth?

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*Please note, all BDSM activities must be safe, sane, consensual, and risk-aware.

Writer Queen Algea

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