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The quality of BDSM erotica books can vary widely, as with any genre of literature. Some books may be well-written and thought-provoking, offering nuanced explorations of power dynamics, trust, and emotional vulnerability, while others may be poorly written and rely on problematic stereotypes and tropes. An even more common problem is that a lot of the literature still leans on old-school tropes like making sure that the women/femme folx are submissive. While it can be hard to find erotica that subverts such stereotypes, we’re super delighted to see new authors writing books that are a breath of fresh air to the industry.

It’s important to note that BDSM erotica should always prioritize the importance of consent and respect for boundaries, and should not promote abusive or non-consensual behavior. If you are interested in reading BDSM erotica, it’s important to do your research and choose books that are written by authors who prioritize consent and ethical BDSM practices.

Luckily for you, The Intimacy Curator has made a list of essential BDSM erotica that we think everyone should read!

Here are five BDSM erotica books to read for some dark, kinky inspiration!

We hope they make your toes curl too.

“Delta of Venus” by Anaïs Nin

“Delta of Venus” is a collection of erotic short stories by Anaïs Nin, first published in 1977. The stories were originally written in the 1940s for an anonymous client who commissioned Nin to write erotic fiction for a dollar a page. The stories are set in a variety of locations and time periods, ranging from ancient Greece to contemporary Europe, and feature a diverse cast of characters.

The stories in “Delta of Venus” are notable for their frank and explicit depictions of sexuality and desire, as well as their exploration of themes related to BDSM. Many of the stories feature power dynamics between the characters, with one character taking on a dominant role and the other a submissive one. The BDSM themes in the stories are not always explicit, but are often hinted at through the use of language and imagery.


One story, “The Hungarian Adventurer,” tells the story of a young woman named Marianne who becomes involved with a wealthy Hungarian man. The man introduces Marianne to the world of BDSM, and she finds herself drawn to the pleasures of submission. The story explores themes of power, control, and desire, and features explicit scenes of BDSM.

Another story, “Marianne,” follows the same character as she continues to explore her desires for submission. In this story, Marianne becomes involved with an older man who introduces her to the pleasures of pain. The story explores the relationship between pain and pleasure, and the ways in which BDSM can be used to explore and understand one’s own desires.

Other stories in the collection explore themes of homosexuality, voyeurism, and exhibitionism, as well as more traditional themes of love, desire, and passion. The stories are notable for their use of vivid and evocative language, and for their unflinching depiction of sexuality and desire.

Overall, “Delta of Venus” is a groundbreaking work of erotic literature that remains a classic of the genre. The stories in the collection are frank, explicit, and unapologetic in their exploration of human desire, and remain relevant and compelling to readers today.

“Kushiel’s Dart” by Jacqueline Carey

“Kushiel’s Dart” is the first novel in Jacqueline Carey’s “Kushiel’s Legacy” series, published in 2001. The novel is set in an alternate history of Europe, where the descendants of angels and humans coexist in a complex society.

The story follows Phèdre nó Delaunay, a courtesan and spy in the service of a powerful nobleman. Phèdre is different from other courtesans in that she is marked by the god Kushiel, which gives her the ability to experience pleasure in pain. This leads her to explore BDSM relationships, including with her patron, the nobleman Anafiel Delaunay.




As a spy, Phèdre becomes embroiled in a complex political plot involving betrayal, murder, and conspiracy. The novel explores themes of power, sex, and politics, as well as the role of pleasure in human relationships. Phèdre’s journey takes her across the continent, from the glittering courts of France to the savage wilderness of Skaldia.

Throughout the novel, Phèdre’s relationships with other characters are shaped by the BDSM themes of power and submission. She finds herself drawn to powerful men who can fulfill her desires for pain and pleasure, but also struggles with the societal stigma surrounding her desires. The novel explores the psychological and emotional complexities of BDSM relationships, and the ways in which power can be wielded and exchanged between partners.

What I loved the most about “Kushiel’s Dart” is its vivid and intricate worldbuilding. The alternate history of Europe is richly detailed, with its own mythology, religion, and culture. The novel also features a diverse cast of characters, including people of color, queer characters, and characters with disabilities.

“Kushiel’s Dart” is a complex and compelling novel that explores BDSM themes in the context of a richly imagined alternate history. The novel’s exploration of power dynamics, sexuality, and politics makes it a thought-provoking read, while its vivid characters and lush prose make it a page-turner.

“Exit to Eden” by Anne Rice 

“Exit to Eden” is an erotic novel by Anne Rice, published in 1985. The novel follows the story of Lisa Kelly, a successful investment banker who travels to an exclusive resort on a secluded island in the Caribbean. The island is a BDSM paradise, where guests can explore their deepest desires in a safe and consensual environment.

As Lisa becomes more involved in the island’s BDSM scene, she becomes drawn to Elliot Slater, a master of the art of bondage and discipline. The two begin a BDSM relationship, exploring their mutual desires for power and submission. The novel explores themes of power dynamics, trust, and sexual exploration, as well as the emotional and psychological complexities of BDSM relationships.


The novel is notable for its depiction of BDSM relationships as both consensual and empowering. The characters in the novel are depicted as fully in control of their own desires and boundaries, with the BDSM scenes portrayed as a way for them to explore their own desires and emotions. The novel also explores the ways in which BDSM relationships can transcend traditional gender roles, with both male and female characters taking on dominant and submissive roles.

As the novel progresses, Lisa and Elliot become embroiled in a dangerous plot involving stolen jewels and international espionage. The BDSM scenes in the novel are intertwined with the action-packed plot, creating a unique blend of erotica and adventure.

One of the most striking elements of “Exit to Eden” is its exploration of BDSM as a spiritual and emotional practice. The novel suggests that BDSM can be a path to self-discovery and personal growth, with characters using their experiences in the BDSM scene to explore their own emotional and psychological boundaries.

“Exit to Eden” is a thought-provoking and sensual novel that explores BDSM themes in a unique and compelling way. The novel’s blend of erotica and adventure, combined with its nuanced exploration of BDSM relationships, make it a must-read for fans of the genre.

“Tipping the Velvet” by Sarah Waters

“Tipping the Velvet” is a historical novel by Sarah Waters, published in 1998. The novel is set in Victorian-era England and follows the story of Nancy Astley, a young woman from a seaside town who becomes enamored with the glamorous world of music hall entertainment.

As Nancy becomes more involved in the world of music hall, she meets Kitty Butler, a talented male impersonator who captures her heart. The two women begin a passionate love affair, exploring their desires for each other in secret. The novel explores themes of sexuality, gender identity, and power dynamics, as well as the societal taboos and prejudices that shaped the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals in Victorian England.



As Nancy’s relationship with Kitty progresses, she begins to explore BDSM themes with her lover, including bondage and domination. The BDSM scenes in the novel are portrayed as consensual and empowering, with both women taking on dominant and submissive roles at different times.

As the novel progresses, Nancy’s relationship with Kitty becomes strained by their growing fame and their differing ambitions. The novel follows Nancy’s journey as she navigates the challenges of love and heartbreak, while also exploring her own identity and desires.

What makes “Tipping the Velvet” so unique is its vivid portrayal of Victorian-era England, with its complex social structures and cultural mores. The novel also features a diverse cast of characters, including people of color and individuals from a variety of social classes, highlighting the intersectionality of identity in the LGBTQ+ community.

Overall, “Tipping the Velvet” is a beautifully written and deeply engaging novel that explores BDSM themes within the context of a richly imagined historical setting. The novel’s exploration of sexuality, gender identity, and power dynamics, as well as its nuanced portrayal of BDSM relationships, make it a must-read for fans of LGBTQ+ literature and erotica.

“The Siren” by Tiffany Reisz

“The Siren” is a novel by Tiffany Reisz, published in 2012. The novel follows the story of Nora Sutherlin, a successful erotica writer and professional dominatrix, as she navigates the complexities of her relationships with both her submissive clients and her own dominant partner.

The novel is told from Nora’s perspective, and it moves back and forth in time, revealing the events that led her to become a dominatrix and her ongoing struggle to balance her personal and professional lives. As Nora begins to explore her own desires and boundaries, she finds herself increasingly drawn to Søren, a Catholic priest and her former mentor in the BDSM world.

The novel explores themes of power dynamics, trust, and emotional vulnerability, as Nora is forced to confront her own desires and boundaries. As she delves deeper into the BDSM lifestyle, she must confront the ways in which her relationships with her clients and partners impact her sense of self and her understanding of love and intimacy.

What I enjoyed the most about “The Siren” is its vivid portrayal of the BDSM lifestyle and the community that surrounds it. The novel challenges common stereotypes about BDSM, portraying it as a consensual and deeply emotional practice that requires trust and communication between all parties involved.

The novel is also notable for its complex and multifaceted characters, particularly Nora, who is a flawed and complex protagonist. The novel’s exploration of Nora’s journey through the BDSM world is both captivating and thought-provoking, challenging readers to consider their own attitudes towards sexuality and power dynamics.

Overall, “The Siren” is a beautifully written and deeply engaging novel that offers a nuanced and empathetic portrayal of the BDSM lifestyle. Its exploration of themes of power, trust, and emotional vulnerability make it a must-read for fans of BDSM literature and erotica.

Just like any genre, the quality of BDSM erotica will depend on the individual book and author. Some readers may find it to be a stimulating and thought-provoking genre, while others may not enjoy it as much. It’s important to read widely and find authors and books that resonate with your own interests and values.

Writer Gayathri RN

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